3 Tenstreet Services to Navigate Your Data

Data is at the center of modern business. Now more than ever, companies have swaths of information at their disposal about everything from hiring trends to driver behavior that can help them make informed, strategic decisions about their businesses.

But too much data can be a bad thing. If you’re too overwhelmed with information to interpret what that information is telling you, you’re just as confused as someone who doesn’t have any intelligence at their disposal at all.

We at Tenstreet are awash in data (and thus familiar with this problem), which is why several of our favorite products are concerned with helping you navigate the oceans of data at your fingertips, making it easy to detect trends and act on important takeaways. Here are some tools that can orient you through the choppy waters of the modern transportation industry. 


Tracking advertising spend is something that sounds straightforward at first but quickly gets complicated once actual human drivers start entering the equation. How do you track the source when someone applies to the same position on two different sites? How do you correctly attribute your monthly spending when a driver puts in an application in April but gets hired in May? And what referrer is responsible when an applicant reapplies and gets rehired after an initial rejection?

These questions are why we developed our Origins tool, which not only helps track your hires based on their referral source, but also shows you trends around metrics like cost-per-hire and applicant status month over month. With Origins you’ll also get graphs and charts that visualize these trends and an overview of which applications are in each stage of the hiring process. This top-down view on all your spending helps you determine which advertising sources are netting you quality candidates and which aren’t.

IntelliApp Statistics

One of the great things about an online application is how easy it is to track patterns in how different drivers apply to your company. Building a better understanding of the modern driver is the easiest way to figure out how to target the type of candidate you want when you’ve got empty seats to fill.

IntelliApp Statistics takes the swaths of information we collect from your IntelliApp and extracts key information, putting it into easily legible graphs and charts. You’ll see trends like what devices your applications are being completed on and at what point in the application your drivers are dropping off, so that you can make smarter decisions when configuring your application process and advertising.

Custom Report Wizard

Every business is different. The data that might guide key decision-making at one carrier could be totally irrelevant at another. Only you can know which data is worth listening to.

Tenstreet’s Custom Report Wizard gives you control over your data by letting you build your own reports based on the data points that matter most to you. The CRW leverages the data in your dashboard (like driver demographic, application metrics, and custom tagging) to allow you to create charts, review past performance, analyze trends, and make predictions. These functionalities let you see the real-time data you need when it’s most useful to you–now.

Ready to navigate the open waters of your data with these useful tools?

Drop us a line at 877-219-9283 or email us at [email protected].

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