The Problem:

The wrong orientation process can cost you the value of your hard-earned hires.

Your driver onboarding and orientation processes are a driver’s introduction to your company. If they don’t make the driver excited to work for you, that driver may never show up – leaving you with an empty seat and a wasted investment. If you want to get drivers on the road fast, you need a driver onboarding process that can help you cut down orientation time, save money, and give drivers a great first impression of your company so they stick with you for the long haul.
Your driver onboarding and orientation processes are a driver's introduction to your company. If they don’t make the driver excited to work for you, that driver may never show up - leaving you with an empty seat and a wasted investment. If you want to get drivers on the road fast, you need a driver onboarding process that can help you cut down orientation time, save money, and give drivers a great first impression of your company so they stick with you for the long haul.

The Solution:

Tenstreet’s driver onboarding solutions help you save money and get drivers working faster.

Our driver onboarding tools are designed to get qualified hires into trucks as quickly and affordably as possible. The more drivers do online, the less you spend on hotels, meals, and recruiter time, so you’ll see an immediate 20%-40% in savings when you free your truck driver onboarding processes from mundane activities by using tools like mobile-friendly forms and online training courses that drivers can complete before showing up to orientation. This is just the beginning of what Tenstreet’s driver onboarding software can do for you. How will you grow from here? 

Our driver onboarding tools are designed to get qualified hires into trucks as quickly and affordably as possible. The more drivers do online, the less you spend on hotels, meals, and recruiter time, so you'll see an immediate 20%-40% in savings when you free your truck driver onboarding processes from mundane activities by using tools like mobile-friendly forms and online training courses that drivers can complete before showing up to orientation. 

This is just the beginning of what Tenstreet's driver onboarding software can do for you. How will you grow from here?

See Our Standard Training Library Class List

Standard Training Library Class List (Alphabetical)

Below is the full list of classes offered in our Training Content Library tool, sorted alphabetically by language.

English Classes  

Active Shooter Preparedness
ADA Requirements
Additional Bulk and Non-Bulk Marking Requirements
Antilock Braking Systems
Approaching Intersections Safely
Auto Hauler Cargo Securement
Avoiding Animal Collisions
Avoiding Fixed Objects
Backing and Docking Procedures
Backing and Docking Yard Vehicles
Basic Control
BASICs – Controlled Substances/Alcohol
BASICs – Crash Indicator
BASICs – Driver Fitness
BASICs – Hazardous Materials Compliance
BASICs – Hours of Service Compliance
BASICs – Unsafe Driving
BASICs – Vehicle Maintenance
Best Practices for Scale Houses
Biometric Screening
Bloodborne Pathogens
Body Protection
Brake Safety
Breaking Bad Habits
Bridges and Overpasses
Budgeting and Setting Financial Goals
C-TPAT Overview
Canadian Hours of Service (Driving North of Latitude 60N)
Canadian Hours of Service (Driving South of Latitude 60N)
Caring for Air Lines
Caring for Elderly Parents
Changing Lanes Safely
City Driving
Coercion Training
Communication Fundamentals I
Communication Fundamentals II
Communication Fundamentals III
Communication Fundamentals IV
Communication in a Multigenerational Workforce
Completing Paper Logs
Confined Space Training
Conflict Resolution
Controlling Road Rage
Coupling and Uncoupling
COVID-19 Safety
Cruise Control
Dangers of Speeding
Dangers of Tailgating
Dangers of U-Turns
Dealing with Stress
Defensive Driving
Developing Decisiveness
Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Distracted Driving
Dock Safety
DOT Alcohol Testing Process
DOT Drug Testing Process
Driver Qualification and Disqualification
Driver Wellness
Driving a Tank Trailer Safely
Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions
Driving in Construction Zones
Drug and Alcohol
Drug and Alcohol – Overview of Testing Procedures
Drug and Alcohol – Post-Accident Testing
Drug and Alcohol – Pre-Employment
Drug and Alcohol – Random Testing
Drug and Alcohol – Reasonable Suspicion
Drug and Alcohol – Return-to-Duty and Follow-Up Testing
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Driver Registration
Dry Van Cargo Securement
Dump Truck Safety and Operation
Eating Healthy on the Road
Education and Awareness – Drug-Impaired Driving
Education and Awareness – Drunk Driving
ELD Compliance
ELD Compliance – Canada
Emergency Action Plan
Empathy for Driver-Facing Personnel
Ergonomics and Wellness
Excessive Speed
Exercising on the Road
Exposure Control
Eye and Face Protection
Fall Protection for Construction Workers
Fall Protection for Non-Construction Workers
Fatigue Management
FDA Food Transportation Controls
Financial Wellness
Fire Extinguisher Safety and Operation
Fire Safety
First Aid
Flatbed Cargo Securement
Following Traffic Signs and Signals
Foot and Leg Protection
Forklift Safety
Forklift Training
Fuel Efficiency
Fuel Efficiency – Cargo Securement and Distribution
Fuel Efficiency – Driving Skills and Behavior
Fuel Efficiency – Idling, Speed, and Cruise Control
Fuel Efficiency – Tire Pressure
Fuel Efficiency – Trip Planning and Route Management
Fueling Passenger Vehicles
Fundamentals of Recognizing Hazards
General Cargo Securement
H2S Training
Hand and Arm Protection
Handheld Device Restrictions
Handling and Documenting Cargo
Hazard Communication
Hazard Perception
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements I
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements II
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements III
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements IV
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements V
Hazardous Materials Label Specifications and Prohibitions
Hazardous Materials Labeling Requirements
Hazardous Materials Packaging Exceptions and Special Cases
Hazardous Materials Packaging Quantity Exceptions
Hazardous Materials Packaging Requirements
Hazardous Materials Placarding Exceptions
Hazardous Materials Placarding Requirements
Hazardous Materials Placarding Specifications and Prohibitions
Hazardous Materials Security Awareness
Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers I
Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers II
Hazardous Materials Spill Response
Hazardous Materials Table I
Hazardous Materials Table II
Hazardous Materials Table III
Head Protection
Hearing Conservation
HIPAA Training
Hours of Service – 30-Minute Break
Hours of Service – 60/70 Hour Limit
Hours of Service – ELD Rule
Hours of Service – Intrastate Requirements for Florida
Hours of Service – Passenger-Carrying Drivers
Hours of Service – Rules Overview
Hours of Service Exemptions
Hours of Service Requirements
Hygiene and Cleanliness While Trucking
Identifying Alcohol Misuse
Identifying Drug Use
Implicit Bias Training
Information Security Basics
Injury Prevention
International Roadcheck 2024
Internet Security
Introduction to Drug and Alcohol Testing
Introduction to Hazardous Materials Regulations
Introduction to Yard Driving
Knowing Policies and Procedures
Ladder Safety and Operation
Left Hand Turns
Licensing, Permits, and Reporting
Maintaining a Healthy Back
Managing Long Distance Relationships
Marking Hazardous Materials in Bulk Packagings
Marking Hazardous Materials in Non-Bulk Packagings
Marks, Labels, and Other Forms of Warnings
Medical Requirements
Mental Health and Wellness
Mountain Driving
Navigating Driver Pulse
Night Operation
Optimism and Gratitude
OSHA Standards for Trucking
Pallet Jack Safety
Passenger Baggage and Cargo Management
Passenger Management
Passenger Safety and Security
Passenger Vehicle Control Systems
Passenger Vehicle Orientation
Passenger Vehicles – RR-Highway Grade Crossings & Drawbridges
Personal Conveyance
Phishing Awareness
Placement of Warning Devices
Post-Crash Procedures
Post-Crash Procedures for Passenger Vehicles
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Flatbed Trailer
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Passenger Vehicles
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Refrigerated Trailer
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Tank Trailer
Predatory Towing
Preparing for Areas of Civil Unrest
Preventing and Managing High Blood Pressure
Preventing Backing Collisions
Preventing Cargo Theft
Preventing Collisions with Stationary Yard Objects
Preventing Hard Brake Events
Preventing Jackknifes
Preventing Rear-End Collisions
Proper Fitting and Removal of Face Masks
Proper Fitting and Removal of Respirators
Proper Lifting Techniques
Proper PPE Usage
Proper Right Hand Turns
Proper Weight Distribution
Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable Suspicion Scenarios
Reasonable Suspicion Testing
Recognizing Staged Accidents
Refrigerated Unit Cargo Securement
Requirements for Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment
Respirator Maintenance and Care
Respiratory Hazards in Construction
Respiratory Hazards in General Industry
Respiratory Protection
Responding to Employees’ Requests for Help
Roadside Inspections
Rollover Prevention
Run Under Crashes
Rural Driving
Safe Backing
Safe Loading and Unloading
Safety Data Sheets
School Zone Safety
Seat Belt Safety
Sharing the Road with Pedestrians
Skid Control and Recovery
Sleep Apnea and Your CDL
Sliding Trailer Tandems
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Space Management
Speed Consistency
Speed Management
Spotted Lanternfly
Stationary Object Strikes
Strategies for Being Comfortable in Your Cab
Tanker Rollover Prevention
Tarping Basics
Texting and Driving
Three Points of Contact
Tire Care
Trends in Alcohol Misuse
Trends in Drug Use
Trip Planning
Truckers Against Trafficking Program
Truckstop Parking Safety
Understanding and Managing Diabetes
Using Ice Cleats
Using Tire Chains
Whistleblower Protection
Winter Driving
Working Under Pressure
Workplace Diversity
Workplace Harassment – Awareness and Prevention
Workplace Harassment – Introduction
Workplace Harassment for Supervisors – Introduction
Workplace Harassment for Supervisors – Awareness and Prevention
Workplace Harassment for Supervisors – Receiving Complaints
Workplace Violence Prevention
Yard Driver Injury Prevention and Safety
Yard Pedestrian and Worker Safety
Yard Tractor Coupling and Uncoupling
Yard Tractor Inspections

Spanish Classes

Active Shooter Preparedness (Clase de preparación ante un tirador activo)
BASICs – Controlled Substances/Alcohol (BASICs – Sustancias controladas/Clase de alcohol)
BASICs – Crash Indicator (BASICs – Clase de indicador de choque)
BASICs – Driver Fitness (BASICs – Clase de acondicionamiento físico para conductores)
BASICs – Hazardous Materials Compliance (BASICs – Clase de cumplimiento de materiales peligrosos)
BASICs – Hours of Service Compliance (BASICs – Clase de Cumplimiento de Horas de Servicio)
BASICs – Unsafe Driving (BASICs – Clase de manejo inseguro)
BASICs -Vehicle Maintenance (BASICs – Clase de mantenimiento de vehículos)
COVID-19 Safety (Clase de seguridad COVID-19)
CSA (Clase CSA)
Dangers of Speeding (Peligros de la clase de exceso de velocidad)
Defensive Driving (Clase de conducción defensiva)
Dehydration (Clase de deshidratación)
Distracted Driving (Clase sobre conducción distraída)
Dock Safety (Clase de seguridad en el muelle)
Driver Wellness (Clase de bienestar para conductores)
Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions (Clase de manejo en condiciones climáticas adversas)
Driving in Construction Zones (Clase de conducción en zonas de construcción)
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (Clase del Centro de Intercambio de Información sobre Drogas y Alcohol)
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Driver Registration (Cámara de compensación de drogas y alcohol – Clase de registro de conductor)
ELD Compliance (Clase de cumplimiento del ELD)
Fatigue Management (Clase de gestión de la fatiga)
HM – Introduction to Basic Requirements (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de introducción a los requisitos básicos)
HM – Operational Requirements (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de requisitos operativos)
HM – Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings & Tunnels (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de túneles y pasos a nivel de ferrocarril-carretera)
HM – Reporting Crashes and Releases (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de informes de fallas y lanzamientos)
HM – Routes and Route Planning (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de planificación de rutas y rutas)
HM – Tire Check (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de revisión de neumáticos)
Hours of Service – Intrastate Requirements for Florida (Horas de servicio – requisitos intraestatales para la clase de Florida)
Hours of Service – Rules Overview (Horas de servicio – Clase de resumen de normas)
Maintenance (Clase de mantenimiento)
Night Operation (Clase de operación nocturna)
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections (Clase de inspecciones previas y posteriores al viaje)
Proper Lifting Techniques (Clase de técnicas de levantamiento adecuadas)
Seat Belt Safety (Clase de seguridad del cinturón de seguridad)
Sleep Apnea and Your CDL (Apnea del sueño y su clase de CDL)
Speed Management (Clase de gestión de velocidad)
Texting and Driving (Clase de manejo y mensajes de texto)
Three Points of Contact (Clase de tres puntos de contacto)

French Classes

COVID-19 Safety (Cours de sécurité – COVID-19)
CSA (Cours CSA)
Defensive Driving (Cours de conduite défensive)
Dehydration (Cours sur la déshydratation)
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Driver Registration (Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Cours sur l’inscription des conducteurs)
Hours of Service – Rules Overview (Cours sur les heures de service – Survol des règles)
Maintenance (Cours sur l’entretien’)
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections (Cours d’inspections avant et après le voyage)
Seat Belt Safety (Cours sur la sécurité des ceintures de sécurité)
Texting and Driving (Cours sur le textage au volant)

Standard Training Library Class List (By Category)

Below is a list of classes offered in our Training Content Library tool sorted into categories. Classes may be listed in more than one category.

Canada Category  
Canadian Hours of Service (Driving North of Latitude 60N)
Canadian Hours of Service (Driving South of Latitude 60N)
ELD Compliance – Canada

Cargo Securement Category
Auto Hauler Cargo Securement
Dry Van Cargo Securement
General Cargo Securement
Handling and Documenting Cargo
Proper Weight Distribution

Compliance Category
C-TPAT Overview
Driver Qualification and Disqualification
HIPAA Training
Licensing, Permits, and Reporting
Requirements for Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment
Spotted Lanternfly

Construction Category
Dump Truck Safety and Operation
Fall Protection for Construction Workers
Proper PPE Usage
Respiratory Hazards in Construction

CSA Category
BASICs – Controlled Substances/Alcohol
BASICs – Crash Indicator
BASICs – Driver Fitness
BASICs – Hazardous Materials Compliance
BASICs – Hours of Service Compliance
BASICs – Unsafe Driving
BASICs – Vehicle Maintenance

Defensive Driving Category
Avoiding Animal Collisions
Avoiding Fixed Objects
Bridges and Overpasses
Changing Lanes Safely
Controlling Road Rage
Dangers of Speeding
Defensive Driving
Driving in Construction Zones
Fundamentals of Recognizing Hazards
Hazard Perception
Preventing Hard Brake Events
School Zone Safety
Space Management
Stationary Object Strikes

Drug & Alcohol Category
Drug and Alcohol
Drug and Alcohol – Overview of Testing Procedures
Drug and Alcohol – Post-Accident Testing
Drug and Alcohol – Pre-Employment
Drug and Alcohol – Random Testing
Drug and Alcohol – Reasonable Suspicion
Drug and Alcohol – Return-to-Duty and Follow-Up Testing
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Driver Registration
Education and Awareness – Drug-Impaired Driving
Education and Awareness – Drunk Driving
Reasonable Suspicion

Flatbed Category
Flatbed Cargo Securement
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Flatbed Trailer
Tarping Basics

Fuel Efficiency Category
Fuel Efficiency
Fuel Efficiency – Cargo Securement and Distribution
Fuel Efficiency – Driving Skills and Behavior
Fuel Efficiency – Idling, Speed, and Cruise Control
Fuel Efficiency – Tire Pressure
Fuel Efficiency – Trip Planning and Route Management

General Topics Category
Caring for Elderly Parents
Information Security Basics
Internet Security
Navigating Driver Pulse
Phishing Awareness
Workplace Diversity

Hazmat Category
Additional Bulk and Non-Bulk Marking Requirements
Exposure Control
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements I
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements II
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements III
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements IV
Hazardous Materials Highway Transport Requirements V
Hazardous Materials Label Specifications and Prohibitions
Hazardous Materials Labeling Requirements
Hazardous Materials Packaging Exceptions and Special Cases
Hazardous Materials Packaging Quantity Exceptions
Hazardous Materials Packaging Requirements
Hazardous Materials Placarding Exceptions
Hazardous Materials Placarding Requirements
Hazardous Materials Placarding Specifications and Prohibitions
Hazardous Materials Security Awareness
Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers I
Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers II
Hazardous Materials Spill Response
Hazardous Materials Table I
Hazardous Materials Table II
Hazardous Materials Table III
Introduction to Hazardous Materials Regulations
Marking Hazardous Materials in Bulk Packagings
Marking Hazardous Materials in Non-Bulk Packagings
Marks, Labels, and Other Forms of Warnings
Safety Data Sheets

Health & Wellness Category
Biometric Screening
Breaking Bad Habits
Budgeting and Setting Financial Goals
COVID-19 Safety
Driver Wellness
Eating Healthy on the Road
Exercising on the Road
Fatigue Management
Financial Wellness
First Aid
Hygiene and Cleanliness While Trucking
Maintaining a Healthy Back
Managing Long Distance Relationships
Medical Requirements
Mental Health and Wellness
Optimism and Gratitude
Preventing and Managing High Blood Pressure
Strategies for Being Comfortable in Your Cab
Understanding and Managing Diabetes

Hours of Service Category
Completing Paper Logs
Hours of Service – 30-Minute Break
Hours of Service – 60/70 Hour Limit
Hours of Service – ELD Rule
Hours of Service – Intrastate Requirements for Florida
Hours of Service – Passenger-Carrying Drivers
Hours of Service – Rules Overview
Hours of Service Exemptions
Hours of Service Requirements
Personal Conveyance

Injury Prevention Category
Bloodborne Pathogens
Body Protection
Ergonomics and Wellness
Eye and Face Protection
Fall Protection for Non-Construction Workers
Fire Extinguisher Safety and Operation
Fire Safety
Foot and Leg Protection
Hand and Arm Protection
Head Protection
Hearing Conservation
Injury Prevention
Ladder Safety and Operation
Proper Lifting Techniques
Sleep Apnea and Your CDL
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Three Points of Contact

Inspections Category
International Roadcheck 2024
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections
Roadside Inspections

Loading & Unloading Category
Backing and Docking Procedures
Coupling and Uncoupling
Dock Safety
Forklift Safety
Forklift Training
Pallet Jack Safety
Safe Backing
Safe Loading and Unloading

Maintenance Category
Brake Safety
Caring for Air Lines
Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Tire Care

Office Safety Category
Active Shooter Preparedness
Proper Fitting and Removal of Face Masks
Workplace Violence Prevention

OSHA Category
Emergency Action Plan
Hazard Communication
OSHA Standards for Trucking
Proper Fitting and Removal of Respirators
Respirator Maintenance and Care
Respiratory Hazards in General Industry
Respiratory Protection
Whistleblower Protection

Passenger Category
ADA Requirements
Fueling Passenger Vehicles
Passenger Baggage and Cargo Management
Passenger Management
Passenger Safety and Security
Passenger Vehicle Control Systems
Passenger Vehicle Orientation
Passenger Vehicles – RR-Highway Grade Crossings & Drawbridges
Post-Crash Procedures for Passenger Vehicles
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Passenger Vehicles

Refrigerated Category
FDA Food Transportation Controls
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Refrigerated Trailer
Refrigerated Unit Cargo Securement

Safety Category
Antilock Braking Systems
Approaching Intersections Safely
Basic Control
Best Practices for Scale Houses
City Driving
Cruise Control
Dangers of Tailgating
Dangers of U-Turns
Distracted Driving
Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions
ELD Compliance
Following Traffic Signs and Signals
Handheld Device Restrictions
Implicit Bias Training
Left Hand Turns
Mountain Driving
Night Operation
Placement of Warning Devices
Post-Crash Procedures
Predatory Towing
Preparing for Areas of Civil Unrest
Preventing Backing Collisions
Preventing Cargo Theft
Preventing Jackknifes
Preventing Rear-End Collisions
Proper Right Hand Turns
Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings
Recognizing Staged Accidents
Rollover Prevention
Run Under Crashes
Rural Driving
Seat Belt Safety
Sharing the Road with Pedestrians
Skid Control and Recovery
Sliding Trailer Tandems
Speed Management
Texting and Driving
Trip Planning
Truckstop Parking Safety

Soft Skills Category
Communication Fundamentals I
Communication Fundamentals II
Communication Fundamentals III
Communication Fundamentals IV
Communication in a Multigenerational Workforce
Conflict Resolution
Dealing with Stress
Developing Decisiveness
Working Under Pressure

Supervisor Training Category
Coercion Training
DOT Alcohol Testing Process
DOT Drug Testing Process
Empathy for Driver-Facing Personnel
Identifying Alcohol Misuse
Identifying Drug Use
Introduction to Drug and Alcohol Testing
Knowing Policies and Procedures
Reasonable Suspicion Scenarios
Reasonable Suspicion Testing
Responding to Employees’ Requests for Help
Trends in Alcohol Misuse
Trends in Drug Use
Workplace Harassment for Supervisors – Introduction
Workplace Harassment for Supervisors – Awareness and Prevention
Workplace Harassment for Supervisors – Receiving Complaints

Tanker Category
Confined Space Training
Driving a Tank Trailer Safely
H2S Training
Pre-Trip/Post-Trip – Tank Trailer
Tanker Rollover Prevention

Truckers Against Trafficking Category
Truckers Against Trafficking Program

True Fuel Driver Coaching Category
Excessive Speed
Speed Consistency

Winter Safety Category
Using Ice Cleats
Using Tire Chains
Winter Driving

Workplace Harassment Category
Workplace Harassment – Awareness and Prevention
Workplace Harassment – Introduction

Yard Driving Category
Backing and Docking Yard Vehicles
Introduction to Yard Driving
Preventing Collisions with Stationary Yard Objects
Yard Driver Injury Prevention and Safety
Yard Pedestrian and Worker Safety
Yard Tractor Coupling and Uncoupling
Yard Tractor Inspections

Spanish Classes

Active Shooter Preparedness (Clase de preparación ante un tirador activo)
BASICs – Controlled Substances/Alcohol (BASICs – Sustancias controladas/Clase de alcohol)
BASICs – Crash Indicator (BASICs – Clase de indicador de choque)
BASICs – Driver Fitness (BASICs – Clase de acondicionamiento físico para conductores)
BASICs – Hazardous Materials Compliance (BASICs – Clase de cumplimiento de materiales peligrosos)
BASICs – Hours of Service Compliance (BASICs – Clase de Cumplimiento de Horas de Servicio)
BASICs – Unsafe Driving (BASICs – Clase de manejo inseguro)
BASICs -Vehicle Maintenance (BASICs – Clase de mantenimiento de vehículos)
COVID-19 Safety (Clase de seguridad COVID-19)
CSA (Clase CSA)
Dangers of Speeding (Peligros de la clase de exceso de velocidad)
Defensive Driving (Clase de conducción defensiva)
Dehydration (Clase de deshidratación)
Distracted Driving (Clase sobre conducción distraída)
Dock Safety (Clase de seguridad en el muelle)
Driver Wellness (Clase de bienestar para conductores)
Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions (Clase de manejo en condiciones climáticas adversas)
Driving in Construction Zones (Clase de conducción en zonas de construcción)
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (Clase del Centro de Intercambio de Información sobre Drogas y Alcohol)
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Driver Registration (Cámara de compensación de drogas y alcohol – Clase de registro de conductor)
ELD Compliance (Clase de cumplimiento del ELD)
Fatigue Management (Clase de gestión de la fatiga)
HM – Introduction to Basic Requirements (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de introducción a los requisitos básicos)
HM – Operational Requirements (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de requisitos operativos)
HM – Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings & Tunnels (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de túneles y pasos a nivel de ferrocarril-carretera)
HM – Reporting Crashes and Releases (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de informes de fallas y lanzamientos)
HM – Routes and Route Planning (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de planificación de rutas y rutas)
HM – Tire Check (Materiales peligrosos – Clase de revisión de neumáticos)
Hours of Service – Intrastate Requirements for Florida (Horas de servicio – requisitos intraestatales para la clase de Florida)
Hours of Service – Rules Overview (Horas de servicio – Clase de resumen de normas)
Maintenance (Clase de mantenimiento)
Night Operation (Clase de operación nocturna)
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections (Clase de inspecciones previas y posteriores al viaje)
Proper Lifting Techniques (Clase de técnicas de levantamiento adecuadas)
Seat Belt Safety (Clase de seguridad del cinturón de seguridad)
Sleep Apnea and Your CDL (Apnea del sueño y su clase de CDL)
Speed Management (Clase de gestión de velocidad)
Texting and Driving (Clase de manejo y mensajes de texto)
Three Points of Contact (Clase de tres puntos de contacto)

French Classes

COVID-19 Safety (Cours de sécurité – COVID-19)
CSA (Cours CSA)
Defensive Driving (Cours de conduite défensive)
Dehydration (Cours sur la déshydratation)
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Driver Registration (Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse – Cours sur l’inscription des conducteurs)
Hours of Service – Rules Overview (Cours sur les heures de service – Survol des règles)
Maintenance (Cours sur l’entretien’)
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections (Cours d’inspections avant et après le voyage)
Seat Belt Safety (Cours sur la sécurité des ceintures de sécurité)
Texting and Driving (Cours sur le textage au volant)

What Driver Onboarding Departments Love About Tenstreet

Forms Capture lets drivers fill out forms online before or during orientation and provides carriers process updates, shortening class time, getting new hires on the road faster, and streamlining the truck driver onboarding process from start to finish.

As a certified provider through the Training Provider Registry (TPR), our interactive library of courses mapped to ELDT theory instruction makes satisfying prerequisites simple. Driver-trainees can complete courses on their mobile devices to expedite obtaining licenses/endorsements for the first time.

Pulse MD is an electronic chain-of-custody that allows drug and physical testing before drivers arrive at orientation. It provides real-time status updates, with results delivered directly to your dashboard.

Our Training Content Library engages drivers with an interactive video training and testing center with more than 260 classes to set them up for success. This allows companies to onboard drivers and get them on the road faster.

Form Builder lets carriers build and edit custom driver-facing forms that can be filled out using the Driver Pulse app, allowing carriers to easily collect any information they need and store it securely in the driver’s electronic file.

The Document Uploader enables drivers to share pictures of documents and licenses from a mobile device, making it easy to keep files up-to-date in a unified driver onboarding system.

Use Pulse Video Chat‘s video call technology to communicate live or leave video messages with drivers attending onboarding sessions. Drivers can view these messages or take video calls right from the Driver Pulse app where they already manage their driving careers.

The Driver Pulse App drastically expedites the process of onboarding truck drivers and reduces costs by allowing drivers to complete forms, complete quizzes, upload documents, receive Greyhound ticket information, and secure drug and physical testing before they arrive at orientation. Available on iOS and Android.

Use the Task Manager to create and edit driver onboarding forms within your dashboard, manage your own courses and classes, and bulk assign tasks to drivers. 

A convenience that allows you to order, track, and manage Greyhound tickets directly from the Xpress dashboard. Travel details are also saved and shared to drivers’ smartphones.

Confirmation IntelliApp simplifies application updates by sending drivers a recruiter-modified version of their application so they can confirm and sign digitally.

Forms Capture lets drivers fill out forms online before or during orientation and provides carriers process updates, shortening class time, getting new hires on the road faster, and streamlining the truck driver onboarding process from start to finish.

Form Builder lets carriers build and edit custom driver-facing forms that can be filled out using the Driver Pulse app, allowing carriers to easily collect any information they need and store it securely in the driver’s electronic file.

Pulse MD is an electronic chain-of-custody that allows drug and physical testing before drivers arrive at orientation. It provides real-time status updates, with results delivered directly to your dashboard.

Our Training Content Library engages drivers with an interactive video training and testing center with more than 260 classes to set them up for success. This allows companies to onboard drivers and get them on the road faster.

The Document Uploader enables drivers to share pictures of documents and licenses from a mobile device, making it easy to keep files up-to-date in a unified driver onboarding system.

Use Pulse Video Chat‘s video call technology to communicate live or leave video messages with drivers attending onboarding sessions. Drivers can view these messages or take video calls right from the Driver Pulse app where they already manage their driving careers.

The Driver Pulse App drastically expedites the process of onboarding truck drivers and reduces costs by allowing drivers to complete forms, complete quizzes, upload documents, receive Greyhound ticket information, and secure drug and physical testing before they arrive at orientation. Available on iOS and Android.

Use the Task Manager to create and edit driver onboarding forms within your dashboard, manage your own courses and classes, and bulk assign tasks to drivers.

As a registered training provider through the Training Provider Registry (TPR), our interactive library of courses mapped to ELDT theory instruction makes satisfying these prerequisites simple. Driver-trainees can complete courses on their mobile devices to expedite obtaining licenses/endorsements for the first time.

A convenience that allows you to order, track, and manage Greyhound tickets directly from the Xpress dashboard. Travel details are also saved and shared to drivers’ smartphones.

Confirmation IntelliApp simplifies application updates by sending drivers a recruiter-modified version of their application so they can confirm and sign digitally.

Get started with onboarding tools designed to help you succeed today!

Using the right onboarding technology can make a huge difference in the efficiency of remote onboarding for commercial truck drivers.

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Training Your Fleet for Winter Safety

Winter weather can create dangerous conditions for drivers. Hazardous roadways, slippery surfaces, limited daylight hours, rushed delivery schedules, unexpected traffic congestion, and low visibility are

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