New Video Functionalities Make Connecting with Drivers Easy

What would you say is the secret to success for a carrier that runs smoothly? Maybe it’s having a detail-oriented and diligent safety department. Maybe it’s a highly skilled and efficient recruiting team. Maybe it’s an onboarding process that gets drivers in trucks faster than ever. All those possibilities can contribute to a carrier’s success, […]

Awards: Get the Most Out of Your Tenstreet Investment

Do you ever feel like Tenstreet is a chamber of secrets? Maybe you’ve experienced the nagging feeling that there’s more to Tenstreet than you realize, or that you could be using a specific service more effectively? You have your dutiful account managers and advisors, you read our blogs, watch our webinars, and feel the login […]

New Communication Tools Make Building Relationships Easier

The new feature announcement train is just beginning to pick up speed in the wake of our 2019 User Conference. Last week you learned about our new Controls and Automations rollout and we’re excited to keep bringing more announcements over the next two months to kick off a fun-filled summer. On deck this week Our new […]

New Controls & Automation Help You Do More with Less

The month following our annual user conference is always a flurry of activity as we prepare to roll-out all of the exciting enhancements we announced in Vegas at our annual user conference. And this year is no different, except for the fact that it will be a solid two months of a series of releases […]

Save Your Sandbagged Candidates!

We all want to move drivers through the door quickly to prevent leads from growing stale and keep the driver from losing interest. But did you know Tenstreet has a free solution to combat this problem that’s already in your Xpress dashboard? It alerts your recruiters when candidates have been in a particular status in […]

Three Powerful Tenstreet Networks to Know

What is a network effect? A network effect is a powerful, positive outcome that exists when a service’s value increases as the number of users using the service grows. One of the most common examples used to illustrate the benefit drawn from a network effect is the invention of the telephone. While people didn’t necessarily […]

New Focus Widgets: The Party Just Keeps Going

If you’re like us, you’re probably still throwing the confetti around from our Focus party last year, celebrating the fact that the Focus tab lets you view your business’s high-level data through a collection of easy-to-use tools. But take a minute to catch your breath and find a chair, because we have even more news: […]

5 Reasons to Go Paperless for Earth Day

It’s that time of year again for our planet’s favorite holiday: Earth Day! How are you going to celebrate on April 22nd? We hope you’ll plant a tree, recycle your cans and bottles, and consider making your business processes paperless. Everything from your job application to your driver management files can be made digital, allowing […]

Tenstreet: From A to Z

We’ve been in the trucking industry long enough to know that every business has its own problems. Company A might need help finding qualified drivers, while Company B wants a way to contact applicants on their mobile devices. Meanwhile, Company C is struggling with organizing their driver paperwork and Company D just wants a way […]

What’s New Here at Tenstreet?

We know it’s been a little over a week since our last blog update, so we wanted to fill you in on all the exciting things that have been happening around Tenstreet so far this fall. If you’re one of the lucky people who have discovered our Friday vlog (read more about it below), you […]