3 Free & Easy Ways to Automate Hiring in Tenstreet

Do you associate the word automation with a time-intensive setup, a complex implementation, and expensive maintenance? Do you see it as a nice-to-have – one just a little too abstract to ever make it on your priority list? Do you justify mindlessly repeating tedious process steps with the conviction that you’re saving the world from […]
Tenstreet Market Index: What To Do When App Volumes Plummet

A healthy interest in the driver market always ranks high on a carrier’s list. But given the tough conditions the industry has experienced over the last year, this interest has shifted to a furrowed concern. With application volumes dropping every week and more trucks sitting vacant, the desperation for drivers means carriers are likely paying […]
Pulse In-App Messaging Captures Drivers’ Attention, Wins More Hires

Texting is a driver recruiter’s dream. With obvious advantages over email (e.g. a more intimate way to connect, a higher open rate, and a higher and faster response rate), text messaging has made a major shift in the way businesses communicate with us and has proved an effective strategy to get candidates hired over traditional […]
The Power of a Pulse Message

The driver recruiting landscape has seen massive changes since the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. Application volumes since mid-March are down 15-20% in both experienced and student drivers, making an already present driver shortage more acute for carriers of every size. Now more than ever, recruiting departments are competing against other carriers for […]
COVID-19 Creates Industry Shift in Driver Behavior: Latest Stats

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently witnessing an unprecedented change in driver behavior and industry-related trends and would like to share these findings with our clients and the rest of the trucking industry. Our goal in this blog is to provide insight into the driver market to help carriers make more informed […]
Hire Drivers Faster By Sharpening Your Axe

Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I would spend three of those minutes sharpening my axe.” Like much great advice, it’s the kind of counter-intuitive directive that can give some of us – including busy recruiters – pause. If I’ve only got five minutes […]
7 Driver Hiring Don’ts You Should Avoid

When there’s a shortage of drivers and a bounty of empty seats to be filled, it’s natural that companies would always be looking for new ways to attract top talent away from competitors and into their own trucks. But it’s important that your business not take shortcuts in its recruiting; the wrong techniques can attract […]
Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Application

You have one overriding goal as a recruiter – and that’s to find and hire quality drivers. If you’re watching a slow stream of drivers trickle through your hiring process, you may want to make some simple changes that will crank open the floodgates and release a heavier flow of qualified talent. First, make sure you’re […]
Top 10 Tenstreet Services You Didn’t Know You Had

The best thing about a long journey is not knowing exactly where it’ll take you. Even if you have a destination in mind, the most memorable moments of a trip are the delights you hadn’t expected to find, like the surprisingly delicious burgers at the roadside diner or the giant peanut statue on the side […]
Awards: Get the Most Out of Your Tenstreet Investment

Do you ever feel like Tenstreet is a chamber of secrets? Maybe you’ve experienced the nagging feeling that there’s more to Tenstreet than you realize, or that you could be using a specific service more effectively? You have your dutiful account managers and advisors, you read our blogs, watch our webinars, and feel the login […]