2024’s Biggest Trucking Trends and Top Opportunities for 2025

As 2024 draws to a close, we’ve gathered as a company to study the data and interactions we’ve seen from thousands of carriers and millions of drivers and what they mean for our clients and the industry as a whole. To help you prepare for the coming year, check out our year in review, featuring […]
Tenstreet Q3 Market Index: Recruitment & Retention Rundown

Our roundup of industry data for Q3 indicates an especially strong rebound from the unpredictability of the pandemic years – as well as the usual seasonal signals that recruiting is headed for a holiday slowdown. Read on to learn more about what you should be prioritizing this quarter. To see enlarged versions of a chart, […]
Tenstreet Q1 Market Index: Recruitment & Retention Rundown

The transportation industry is always changing. While the pandemic appears to be waning in the U.S., new issues bring challenges to both carriers and drivers. Covid outbreaks in China, high gas prices, the war in Ukraine, and lack of equipment availability continue to introduce turbulence to trucking at large. Understanding what’s happening in the industry […]
The Case For Driver Rewards Programs

Tenstreet has long been in the business of promoting rewards programs to carriers to increase retention and keep drivers happier. One of the most common questions we get is, “Why rewards?” Doesn’t it make more sense to just give drivers more cash? If your wages are already competitive, the answer is no. In an article […]
How to Fund a Rewards Program Without Increasing Your Budget

One of the most challenging aspects of setting up a rewards program at any carrier is funding it. Where does the money to invest in one of these programs come from? Let’s say you’ve read our case for a rewards program, and you’re convinced. How do you find the money to make it happen? The […]
The Power of a Pulse Message

The driver recruiting landscape has seen massive changes since the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. Application volumes since mid-March are down 15-20% in both experienced and student drivers, making an already present driver shortage more acute for carriers of every size. Now more than ever, recruiting departments are competing against other carriers for […]
Hire Drivers Faster By Sharpening Your Axe

Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I would spend three of those minutes sharpening my axe.” Like much great advice, it’s the kind of counter-intuitive directive that can give some of us – including busy recruiters – pause. If I’ve only got five minutes […]
7 Driver Hiring Don’ts You Should Avoid

When there’s a shortage of drivers and a bounty of empty seats to be filled, it’s natural that companies would always be looking for new ways to attract top talent away from competitors and into their own trucks. But it’s important that your business not take shortcuts in its recruiting; the wrong techniques can attract […]
Pool Your Leads with the Import Tool

Leads here, leads there, leads everywhere. Getting leads from a variety of sources is a good problem to have since it gives you more possible candidates to vet, but the downside can be how difficult it is to assess candidates in different systems. It’s harder to be sure you’re getting the best talent when you […]
How To Use Driver Job Boards Effectively

If you’re a recruiter, it can seem like new ways to find drivers spring up every time you get online. The advent of technology has made options for both drivers and carriers abundant, but that also means it’s harder than ever to figure out which advertising platforms are best for your business and its needs. […]